Serving your health with excellence.

Massage Therapy

3-Phase Approach


weight loss:

During this phase, you lose fat by employing your body's natural fat burning metabolism. This process allows you to tolerate a low-calorie diet and burn your stored fat for energy. You lose weight safely while protecting lean muscle tissue, thus improving your health and the overall shape and appearance of your body.

increase metabolic activity and thermogenesis:

As your body becomes leaner following your initial weight-loss phase, you will be steadily increasing your activity level as well as your food intake. This process resets your basal metabolic rate so that you can accommodate a greater intake of food and still retain the results you achieved during weight loss. With an increase in your basal metabolic rate, you will also experience an increase in thermogenesis causing production of heat within your body. An increase in thermogenesis alone can account for several pounds of fat loss over the course of 1 year.


maintenance plan

To maintain your steady course of being fit, lean, and healthy with increased vigor and energy, we incorporate a complete education. We monitor you step-by-step on the road to weight loss and increased health. You will be instructed on how to read labels and plan your meals. You will be shown how to safely increase your activity level with an exercise plan right for you. You will be supported as you adopt a lifestyle change that will ultimately allow you to eat more and still maintain your weight loss. Our scientific program is a safe and satisfying approach to a permanent solution for weight loss and proper nutrition.


Massage Therapy in Huntington beach, CA

What Is Massage Therapy?

A complete health history is the first step for the chiropractic patient. Old injuries, chronic problems and the patient’s present symptoms are documented for the doctor to study. Staff are always available to assist the patients with any needs.


After reviewing the history, the Doctor meets with the patient to discuss their problems and concerns. Patients are questioned regarding how the daily physical and mental stresses have impacted their health. A thorough consultation is important to determine a patient’s most effective treatment through chiropractic care


You will receive a thorough examination consisting of orthopedic, neurologic, physical and chiropractic tests. Checking the spinal range of motion is a regular part of the physical exam. Subluxations are determined by careful analysis of the X-rays, palpation of the soft tissue of the spine and range of motion studies.


Chiropractic examination includes full-length X-rays of the spine. These standing X-rays show the spine in its natural weight-bearing state.

X-Rays will allow the doctor to determine if you have arthritis, disc degeneration, pathologies or a condition that may be contradictory to treatment.


All members of the staff are competent, trained and well-versed in their responsibilities.

Ours is a teamwork approach. We believe the patients deserves individual attention to his or her particular need. We work together to achieve this goal.


After the Doctor has studied the health history, examination findings and X-Rays, he meets with the patient to explain the results and the recommended course of chiropractic care.

An information panel is available along with other instructional aids. Questions the patient may have will be answered. The Doctor will explain the spine and subluxations. As the spine chart in the center section of the booklet shows, each nerve root serves a certain portion of the body and its organs. Impairment of the nerve functions may cause or complicate many disease processes.

gentle care

The gentle touch of a chiropractor is for patients of all ages. Children are the easiest to help. Their spinal problems are not long-standing, and they respond quickly. There is no age limit for chiropractic care. Many patients come with long-standing problems that other healing avenues have not been able to help. In many cases like these where patients at last find relief, it is due to chiropractic treatment of the cause if the problem rather than treating the symptoms.

chiropractic treatment

Safe and effective spinal manipulation, also known as an adjustment, is the primary means id care provided by the chiropractor.

The first adjustment begins to restore the vertebra to its natural motion. The soft tissues, muscles and ligaments are damaged when the vertebra is in an unnatural position. These tissues must have time to rehabilitate. Normally, proper muscle and ligament tone will keep the vertebrae functioning optimally.

All people are unique. Each person’s treatment program is designed specifically for their individual needs. Physical therapy modalities and exercise rehabilitation may be a part of your chiropractic treatment program.

Most patients will have a treatment period ranging over a few months then continue chiropractic care on a regular basis. Wellness care patients benefit from the lifetime of health preservation that chiropractic provides.

family policy

We are honored to be chosen the family Chiropractor. If another member of your family requires care, please feel free to bring this to our attention. We always have time to discuss the needs of you family.

We ask that the spouse of a new patient be present during the Report of Findings. During this time, questions regarding care and procedures will be answered to everyone’s satisfaction.

We are family serving family.

chiropractic and insurance

We are a full-service office. We will file your insurance claims for you. Our staff is well trained in all aspects of insurance regulations. We are ready to help you understand and utilize your insurance coverage, whether it be private insurance, group plan, Medicare, Medicaid, workers compensation, liability or med pay for injuries suffered in auto accidents.

among your friends

“Our most cherished patients are the ones who pass the word on so that others can be relieved of their pain and suffering.”

Perhaps there is someone you know who is suffering needlessly simply because they do not know what you know about chiropractic care.

A word from you to this friend or relative regarding how chiropractic has helped you could be the greatest act of kindness it would ever be your privilege to bestow.

Your friend or relative will understand you are not a doctor and will not expect a technical explanation. Sust show them this book. Tell them in your own words how you have been helped. Then urge them to investigate chiropractic care for themselves.

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