What To Expect For New Patients
0.1 Consultations
A complete health history is the first step for the chiropractic patient. Old injuries, chronic problems and the patient’s present symptoms are documented for the doctor to study. Staff are always available to assist the patients with any needs.
0.2 Health History
The next step for a new chiropractic patient is filling out a complete health history form. Old injuries, chronic problems, and the patient’s present symptoms are recorded on the form for study. All members of the staff are always available for a complete and thorough discussion with the patient.
0.3 Examination
0.4 X-Rays
0.5 Explanation
After the doctor has studied the health history and x-rays, he meets again with the patient to explain the exam results and the recommended course of chiropractic care. A complete information panel is available along with other instructional aids so that any questions the patient may have can be answered. The doctor will also explain the spine and subluxations.
0.6 Chiropractor Treatment
0.7 Gentle Care
The chiropractor can be called on to care for patients of all ages. Children are the easiest to help, for their spinal problems are not long-standing, and they respond quickly. However, there is no age limit on those who might benefit from chiropractic care, and many patients come with long-standing problems that other healing avenues have been unable to help. In many cases like these, patients find relief at last through chiropractic treatment. This is due to treatment of the cause of the problem rather than treatment of the symptoms.
Contact Info
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM (Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM)
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM (Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM)
Saturday: By appointment only (9:30 AM – 12:30 PM)
Sunday: Closed